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Superior standard 3D examinations


    The innovative, high power generator with rotating anode and small focal spot optimises performance, adapting the emission to the specific needs of the examination.
    A large flat panel sensor with a high signal-noise ratio improves image quality, expanding 3D and 2D diagnostic capacity.



360° reconstruction

The 360° scan acquires the entire volume with a single rotation. 5G XL rapidly generates a complete dataset of axial, coronal and sagittal images as well as 3D renderings.

eXtra FOV Vision

The innovative eXtra FOV function allows to examine longitudinal anatomical parts. FOV 3D can be set from a minimum of Ø6 x h6 cm, up to a maximum native diameter of 21 cm or a height of 22 cm.

HiRes analysis

Clear and detailed very high resolution images to see bone micro-fractures or examine anatomical districts with micrometric details.