CephX - Artificial Intellingence Cephalometry
Designed for practitioners of all experience levels and skill sets - providing the tools you need to increase case acceptance, boost productivity and save time.
It uses artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to automate diagnostic and analytical dental imaging tasks, such as cephalometric analyses, teeth segmentation and airway volume.
CephX is a CLOUD base software easily accessible from any web browser that enable to share, menage and analyze quickly the patient images. It receive images directly from NewTom NNT in order to take advantage of the autometed service for istant:
Performed ondigital 2D cephand 3D CBCT volumes. Ceph-tracing algorithms can instantaneously provide a custom tracing. You can personalize superimposition & add profile overlayto the cephalometric analysis report (exportable)
Diagnosis Validation And Treatment Planning Tool (STL extport& Video recorder).
From 3D Volume CBCT Data.

RealGUIDE - Version PRO und DESIGN
Plattform für das Designmanagement der prothetisch geführten dentalen Implantatrehabilitation in ihrem gesamten Ablauf zur Herstellung der chirurgischen Schablone.
MyRay RealGUIDE PRO ist eine Multiplattform-Software (PC, MAC, iPAD, iPhone), die eine hochentwickelte Implantatplanung ermöglicht, für die unzählige, realistische stets auf der CLOUD-Plattform aktualisierte Implantat-Bibliotheken (komplett mit Abutments und Hülsen...) zur Verfügung stehen.
Sie ermöglicht einen optimalen zertifizierten Arbeitsablauf (MEDICAL DEVICE), der für einen spezifischen klinischen Einsatz zur Herstellung chirurgischer SCHABLONEN unter Nutzung der 3DIEMME-Dienste und/oder direkt betriebsintern mit einer RealGUIDE DESIGN-Software-Version und 3D-Drucker konzipiert ist. Sprachauswahl: Italienisch, Englisch, Französich, Deutsch, Spanisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Chinesisch.

Smile Lynx
Smile Design Solution.
Smile Design Software easy-to-use which allows dentists to design, visualize and show their patients the smile of their dreams and share the project in real time with the orthodontist in a few simple steps.
Newtom Smile Lynx is the digital smile planning software available for Windows and Mac, easy to use with direct interface to Newtom NNT software. During the first appointment In less than 10 minutes, the dentist shows the patient a fantastic "before"and "after", furthermore associatesthe project to the patient card directly in Newtom NNT.
Smile Lynx improves dental-patient and dental-technical communication. The patient clearly understands the treatment plan, thanks to the help of the images and so has full confidence in the professional thanks to a treatment plan planned jointly and the dental technician receives precise information to finalize the work. The resulting design can then be imported into the Lynx 3D CAD software, allowing the lab to print or mill restorations.