Digital Virtual Assistant
Innovative tools to improve business.
The new digital assistant platform lets you keep track of your instruments by monitoring statistics on use, performance and maintenance of extraoral X-ray devices.
Di.V.A. is a digital virtual assistant: it lets users optimise dental surgery workflows and helps dentists monitor, via a user-friendly dashboard, equipment usage in order to optimise and improve performance.
The Di.V.A. service lets you connect the NewTom extraoral X-ray imaging device to the WEB platform to obtain the following benefits:
- keep devices working efficiently thanks to scheduled planning of periodic TESTS and maintenance tasks (with consequent creation of a maintenance task log book on the device)
- track usage of each device and the relative Workstations in order to monitor workloads by analysing usage statistics by examination category with relative dose
- creation of different access profiles with customized functions (administrator, clinical engineer, user)
- user manuals and video tutorials
Di.V.A. achieves maximum effectiveness levels in combination with easycheck.
Authorised technicians can, in fact, analyse operation of the device remotely and provide valuable information on how to exit emergencies and avoid machine downtimes.

Why is Di.V.A. useful, if not essential?
Di.V.A. is useful for professionals looking to monitor their instruments carefully.
Available from November 2021